S3IDF Embarks in a New Organisational Direction
S3IDF-US embarks on a feasibility study to explore building an impact-first fund to assist the growth of social enterprises in India
A Rememberance of S3IDF Co-Founder TL Shanker
S3IDF mourns the passing of the great TL Shanker, and honours his memory by continuing the work in which he was so involved. Read More
S3IDF’s Approach Recognised by the NSKFDC
S3IDF empanelled as “waste workers handholding institution” by NSKFDC
S3IDF begins a partnership with the Multipurpose Organisation for Training Health Education and Rehabilitation (MOTHER)
Advisory Services Work with Nexus
S3IDF sub-contracts to Nexus under the Rockefeller Brothers Fund study to explore Driving Investments towards Sustainable Production of and Affordable Access to Clean Energy Solutions in Myanmar and Cambodia
S3IDF named top incubator in Entrepreneur India
S3IDF is named among the top 25 incubators in Entrepreneur India’s August 2017 issue listing of “100 brilliant start-up incubators”
S3IDF Improves the Financial Literacy Skills of Waste Workers
S3IDF partners with the National Safai Karamcharis Finance and Development Corporation (NSKFDC) to develop a series of financial literacy videos and training to enhance the business capacity of waste workers
S3IDF Celebrates 15 Years Of Operations In India
S3IDF celebrates 15 years of operations in India. During which time we worked in 12 states, helped 29 financial institutions create more inclusive lending practices, and the average loan from a financial institution to one of our entrepreneurs is roughly
1st Formal Bank Loan from Vijaya Bank to Waste Workers
S3IDF and our partners work with a group of 9 other waste workers running Dry Waste Collection Centres in Bangalore to facilitate the loans they need to open overdraft accounts using waste as collateral. One of our partners, a local
Indian Banknote Demonetisation
The Government of India takes ₹500 and ₹1,000 notes out of circulation to cut down on corruption and income earned on the black market. This sudden announcement particularly impacts businesses run by small entrepreneurs who deal primarily in cash