S3IDF Develops the Social Merchant Bank Approach (SMBA®)
It is critical to the founders that the S3IDF market-based concept be applicable across the many geographies and sectors. Acknowledging that while S3IDF’s work might be limited to only some geographies at first, once verified, the founders’ objective is to
The Idea for S3IDF Emerges
A group of experienced international development consultants, practitioners, and academics reflect on their hundreds of years of collected work experience in over 70 countries and their shared concern that the dominant paradigms too often failed to sufficiently benefit the poor.
S3IDF-US Receives Charity Status
S3IDF’s Cambridge, MA, USA office receives its 501(c)(3) public charity designation from the IRS.
Partnership with GVEP
S3IDF contracts to Global Village Energy Partnership (GVEP) International to support GVEP’s International business plan implementation and regional East Africa energy access fund model design and planning in Kenya and Uganda.
Partnership with Blue Moon Fund
S3IDF begins a multi-year partnership with the Blue Moon Fund to expand the dissemination of the SMBA approach in India, Cambodia and Myanmar.
S3IDF Partners with the Shell Foundation
S3IDF embarks on a partnership with the Shell Foundation after winning a grant through a pitch competition for energy work in Southern India. The relationship leads to ongoing support in subsequent years, building on the social merchant bank approach.
S3IDF-India Receives Charity Status
S3IDF’s operation in India, with its head office in Bangalore, receives its Section 8 charity status from the Indian government.
A Catalytic Step for Energy Entrepreneurs
S3IDF and SELCO India form the Selco Incubation Centre, which provides a nurturing environment for sustainable energy entrepreneurs during the early stages of their business development
S3IDF Promotes Entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu
S3IDF begins partnership with CII to conduct feasibility assessment and pathway plan for an Entrepreneurship Incubator Ecosystem (EiE) for underserved populations in Tamil Nadu
S3IDF Supports Livelihood Strengthening for Waste Workers
S3IDF forms a new partnership with Thamate and SKKS to engage with manual scavengers to create an institutional support window for alternate livelihoods through micro-enterprises as well as to explore sanitation-based livelihood by dignifying it with small scale infrastructure investments.