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Waste & Circular Economy

We partner with unrecognized waste workers to provide them access to
financial literacy training, credit, and public programs.

India’s formal waste management system is overwhelmed, resulting in ever-expanding landfills and critical services gaps. The ability of informal workers to increase recycling and fill these gaps is regularly overlooked and undervalued, reinforcing inefficient waste management practices that threaten the health of communities and the environment.

Krishna’s Story

“My aim has always been to make something out of my life but I had not had an opportunity, until now”

Our Approach

We make market systems more accessible by catalysing change at the entrepreneur and market levels.

From the Field

Informal Workers: The Front Lines of Enabling Circular Economies by Samit Aich, CEO S3IDF-India

“We are still not the priority” by Avinash Krishnamurthy

Chipping Away at the MSME Financing Gap by Emma Marks